Conferences and Presentations
Revolutionizing Higher Education after COVID-19 2021 Virtual Conference – AAC&U, January 21, Virtual – Towards Supporting Vulnerable Students and Faculty during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Panelist with Jarett D. Haley (University of Michigan), Karla I. Loya (University of Hartford), H. Kenny Nienhusser (University of Connecticut), Omar Romandia (University of Connecticut), Kiara Ruesta (University of Connecticut) and Dominique Zino (LaGuardia Community College). Moderator: Jessica O. Mitchel (University of Michigan).
On Thursday, January 21, I participated in a panel discussion with colleagues from across different institutions. In the panel discussion, my LaGuardia colleague Dominique Zino and I spoke about the rapid transition to distance learning at LaGuardia Community College and the ways in which our work with faculty focused on student engagement and pedagogical approaches to more holistic teaching.
Revolutionizing Higher Education after COVID-19 2021 Virtual Conference – 12th Annual Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios AAC&U, January 22, Virtual – How to Ensure Success: Launching, sustaining, and Growing an ePortfolio Program, Panelist with Renee Houston (University of Puget Sound), Amy Anne Powell (IUPUI), and Leeann Waddington (Kwantlen Polytechnic University). Moderator: C. Edward Watson (AAC&U).
On Friday, January 22, I participated in a panel of ePortfolio practitioners from different institutions. In the panel, we spoke about strategies and important considerations to start and sustain an ePortfolio initiative. I emphasized the importance of engaging different stakeholders including Student Affairs professionals to ensure our ePortfolio initiatives included co-curricular opportunities.
NASPA Session, December 8, Virtual – Beyond the College Transcript: Live Briefing, Panelist with Heidi Leming (College System of Tennessee) and Jonathan Poon (University of South Carolina). Moderator: Pam Powers (University of South Carolina).
On Tuesday, December 8, I was part of a panel discussing a recent chapter I co-author with Bret Eynon, PhD titled: Who Am I? Who Am I Becoming? Transcending the Transcript. In it, we write about our ePortfolio initiative and how we’ve connected it with our digital badging initiative at the college. These two represent examples of creating ways for students to document their learning over time.